Interviewer: we have been hearing
a lot on this definitions of what a dream is, but you, being an explorer, what
do you think a dream could be? what it could mean to someone who doesn’t even
know if he dreams or not?
He: Well, you could only get my
ever-changing idea of what a dream is till now. I, cannot be hundred percent be
sure, weather my idea of dream will remain same in coming days. Because I
believe it’s all still an exploration to me. Because the very moment we define something,
or we say this is what something is, you are just putting an end to knowing it
further. At the very moment you are putting an end to the exploration. Coming
to your question, I would say, A dream is a fused state of consciousness where
your subconscious mind is dominant, but your body is asleep, and you could do pretty
much whatever you want, if you come to know it’s a dream; if not, you will simply
get carried away wherever it takes you to. I would say, it’s a free
entertainment show run by your emotions where your subconscious pics up either
an event from past or an event from near past and mixes it up that emotion
netting a situation where you are the creator and a spectator.
Interviewer: Does these dreams
mean something? Or they are just yet another entertainment show from HBO?
He: well, I would ask you a
question in return, why would the creator of an entertainment show create a
piece of his entertainment show at first? Do you think its just for fame?
Interviewer: well fucking yeah!
common …man…. everybody does it for fame.
He: Well I would say No! off
course some of the programs on your channel would be. Sorry for that. no
offence! But as far as a conscious
creator is concerned, I believe, one wants to say something to his audience through
his creation. He is the speaker, speaking through all his characters. Well, in
this process of communication between the creator and the spectator, there is
equal role of the spectator as well. If he just sees it as an entertainment
show, it is just an entertainment show. If someone wants to pick up something
from it, it is a medium of Communication to his inner self . Well I would say ...this is the basic funda of all art creation, I believe. What do you think of all these mems, quotes from TV series or lines
from famous scenes people post on social media exemplifies? I see no difference in completely understanding someones idea emotionally as yours and expressing your own. of course you cannot copyright. I would say, If his audience emotionally attach to a creation, the purpose of creation is served. creator would be simply happy. I hope I did answer your question.
Interviewer: I think so!
...! why does it seem so real? Why can’t one notice the difference
between a dream and reality?
He: May be, it’s because of the
same reason as above. If you know it’s a TV serial and you are just watching
it. You know that none of the things happening there would really happen to
you. But imagine a situation you are being a part of the series. Its like,
painter being the painting, singer being the song, musician being the music, player
being the game. And this unification makes the creation live real. Perhaps
there is no separation between the creator and the observer when they
completely merged. Perhaps one can get
the true experience of what the creator wants to convey only when this happens.
Perhaps dreams might be telling you something and you are not still getting it.
There another aspect for it being so real. I believe nothing in your dream
comes out of nowhere. It is a thing that you have already seen or experienced.
When something comes out of your own data base you are not amazed to find bugs
in it. you dare to question if its true. You dare to question if its real. It’s
like, you always failing to find out mistakes in your answer sheet. You have so
much confidence on what comes out of your thoughts. That is why there are so
many conflicts around. Everybody thinks they are right in their own sense of
perception, while the truth lies untouched.
Interviewer: well, then how do we
know that we are not dreaming?
He: the problem is, you don’t know.
- Sid
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