What if !

All began with a whiff of air. He was trying hard to concentrate on the increasing hissing sound of his quantum leap machine. Till that moment the dial was showing 3, when he closed his eyes intolerable to the sound of the machine. The very moment his tests on his pet animal Tony, the male wall lizard in his lab did not work he decided to test on himself. Because he knew that it would never work on another animal nor other object, as they have no will to see the other dimension. He was very clear on his thoughts on willingness to see what one wants so to see. He always believed that consciousness  is the linking element of all the quantum tunnels. And his belief remained undisturbed even when he stepped inside his machine.

It was his baby. He had put all his research into it. It took more than 6 years to finally wire this machine which could take humans to 4th dimension. He believed this machine could be an answer to all the phenomena’s that cannot be explained with the limited perception of 3 dimensions. Basically, the machine would create sound waves with increasing frequencies tuning any object coming in its field to matching frequency. And since the frequency of the machine would be constantly increasing every second there was no chance of resonance with the objects tuned undesired frequencies. But at frequencies where his calculations predicted a quantum leap to higher dimensions would occur it had a pause with the expectation of resonance and immediate quantum tunneling to 4th dimension. He strongly believed, at one of there pauses he would suddenly disappear into higher dimensions and would experience no one on this universe has ever experienced. But there was a loop hole. All his research, He only theoretically knew how to project into higher dimension. But he never knew how to come back to his 3D world. 

But there were more questions when the hissing sound ended.

What if everything we believe is an illusion? What if we are not the only beings on this universe? What if we are just a breed of species who are just an artificial selection of some higher species? How do we know we are experiencing the ultimate reality? What if everything we are seeing, touching and perceiving as our experience of the world is a just a mere butterfly effect of something happening in our other connected realities? What if the concept of time we know is just a part some whole bigger time where past, present and future is all merged and everything that has happened and going to happen is going to happen again and again in a repeating pattern. What if the dimensions we know are not the only three in numbers and we are experiencing only a limited part of the information as flatlanders do of our world. What if all our past present and future is happening simultaneously in our parallel universes and we see them as mere motion pictures in our dreams?

What if you know all of this is true!

- Sid
